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Carmody’s Hill Wind Farm is committed to fostering strong, positive relationships with the local community and all stakeholders. With a strong connection to the Mid North Region, the project has demonstrated its priority to meaningful engagement to deliver the project with the least amount of impact and unlock benefits to the local community.

Community Consultation: 
Why It Matters

We have worked closely with local landholders, neighbours, and the broader community from the early stages of development, hosting one-on-one meetings and community drop-in sessions to gather feedback and address concerns. This open dialogue resulted in the views of the community being incorporated into the early project design, minimising any potential impact. Community feedback, alongside technical and environmental assessments, directly influenced aspects of the project, including the design of the transmission line route. We will continue to engage with the community through regular drop-in sessions, ensuring ongoing consultation as the project progresses.

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Community Employment and Economic Benefits

Our commitment to the community extends beyond consultation and into tangible benefits chosen by the community. A best in class community fund has been established for the Georgetown, Gulnare, Caltowie/Bundaleer/Washpool, Gladstone and Nukunu communities, supporting both the construction phase and the initial 30 years of operation for the proposed project. The Campbell Range Wind Farm Fund is the registered Community Liaison Group on behalf of the proposed project and will oversee the allocation of funds to ensure they are used in ways that provide the most value to local residents. Ongoing meetings with the Campbell Range Wind Farm Fund Association, along with input from Community Development Associations (CDAs), will enable us to allocate the community benefit fund effectively.

Additionally, we are working closely with Regional Development Australia (Mid North/Yorke Peninsula) and our primary contractors to host Supplier and Employment Forums starting in March. These forums aim to bring local procurement and employment opportunities to the region, further boosting the local economy and ensuring that the community directly benefits from the project’s success.

Upcoming Community Events

Please keep an eye for the following community consultation events in the timeline below. We will provide more information closer to the proposed time frames by advertising the details in local papers, updating this website and via Community Associations.

Community Events

Community Information drop-in sessions

April/May 2025

Join us to share your views and ask the team any questions as the Project moves towards the construction phase.

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Community Benefit Fund Meeting

May 2025 

We will be meeting with the Campbell Range Wind Farm Fund in May 2025 and will be inviting the community to receive specific feedback on how the community benefit fund can deliver the best value for the Georgetown, Gulnare, Caltowie/Bundaleer/Washpool, Gladstone and Nukunu communities.

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Community Information Sessions

November/December 2025

Join us to share your views and ask the team any questions as the Project moves towards the construction phase.

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