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Project Timeline

Project Timeline



Site identification based on analysis of constraints and opportunities of a potential project. This includes distance to existing grid network, natural resource, housing density, native vegetation, terrain and impact on communities.

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Phase 1


Consultation with landowners impacted by the potential project and feedback is sought from the local community. Site assessments, including wind testing and ecology surveys commence.

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Phase 2
Early Development


Preparation of State Development Application for approval under the South Australian Planning, Department and Infrastructure Act 2016. Further environmental assessment may be required under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC ACT).

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Phase 3
Advanced Development

Current Status

Primary approvals achieved, commercialisation of the project via Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), critical grid connection approvals sought, key delivery partners identified, and Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) commenced to achieve ~30% detailed design prior to a Financial Investment Decision.

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Phase 4

Finalising detailed design followed by site mobilisation, construction of all access roads, foundations and hardstands, and all electrical works required to connect the Project into the grid network. Wind turbine delivery and installation.

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Phase 5

Typically 30-35 years, operating in accordance with relevant approval conditions and management plans.

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Phase 6

Towards the end of operation, wind turbines and electrical equipment will either be replaced and the wind farm repowered, or the project will be decommissioned and the site returned to its original use at the expense of the project.

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Phase 7